CH: youre maia, right?
RC: Why do you want to fucking know.

CH: ive seen you in my dreams
CH: sorry that sounds weird. ive had a weird night
RC: What the fuck does that mean. What.

CH: right sorry. right
CH: i dont know how to explain any of this
CH: i dont know where to start
CH: do you know me?
CH: sorry this is too vague of a question
RC: I fucking know Cole, yeah. But my Cole. Who isn't you. So I don't fucking know what's going on.

CH: its weird that i remember you
CH: right?
CH: ive never met you before
RC: That doesn't make fucking sense. I fucking met my you.

CH: well i guess its obvious at this point that we are not the same person
RC: Yeah but. That doesn't make any fucking sense.

CH: thats what ive been saying
RC: Like what. Are you from a different fucking timeline? Wouldn't you still fucking know who I am? The other one fucking did. And you said you're older.

CH: hale said the year is 2123, so im assuming its the same year for you too?
RC: Yeah. That's how years fucking work. Unless they don't. But I'd fucking know.

CH: well its 2021 for me
CH: november 20th, to be exact
RC: Then how the fuck are you older. What.

CH: do i look like i know what any of this means
CH: dont take this the wrong way, but youre meaner than i thought you would be
CH: no offense. just interesting
RC: Well sorry that I'm not trying to be best fucking friends with the guy who is saying he's my brother but also fucking isn't.

CH: its okay really, dont worry about it
CH: brother?
CH: we are related
CH: are we?
RC: Yes, we fucking are.
RC: Do you not fucking. How would you not remember this.

CH: i dont have any blood relatives
CH: not that i know of, not here
RC: Fucking? Derse?? The Clocks?? All of that fucking shit? I know it's only been a few fucking days for me but I don't think I'm going to fucking forget about any of that any fucking time soon.

CH: i really dont know what youre saying, im sorry
CH: i remember the fucking
CH: purple place? hale called it a moon
RC: Derse. Yeah.
RC: So you know Hale.

CH: yeah ive talked to him a bit
CH: seemed to be the angriest at me so i thought that would be a good point to start
RC: So you didn't know him before today either. What.

CH: no i really didnt
RC: So is this some sort of fucking Time bullshit then.

CH: hale mentioned time as well and i still dont know what that means
RC: The aspect. Like from clocks. And other shit.
RC: It doesn't fucking like me.

CH: aspect?
RC: Yeah. There's twelve of them. You're a Doom player. I'm a Time player.

CH: maia im not any kind of player im not playing anything
RC: I don't fucking. Nothing you're saying makes any fucking sense.

CH: christ this is awful
CH: see its not making any sense to me either
RC: Well I don't know what the fuck to tell you!
RC: You're fucking older than me, or Cole, but the year doesn't fucking make sense, and you don't know fucking. I don't even fucking know. This doesn't fucking make sense.
RC: I don't fucking. I don't know if this is some fucking Time bullshit that I'm supposed to fucking get, but if it is, I fucking don't! I don't fucking know what the fuck is happening.