SYSTEM: omittedPerjurer [OP] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board "\talking_i_guess".
OP: i hate this stupid fucking platform.
OP: it is suppoed to not have the slash there.
OP: anyways.
OP: hello. i made a group chat for us all to talk in. i don't know half of you and i am scared of some of you but we should probably have this.
OP: since we're saving the world and all. i don't care about you or anything, so don't get it twisted.
OP: or don't get it straight either.
OP: my name is quin and i use boy pronouns.
TR: Stop blowing up my fucking phone. I'm busy.
OP: the fuck are you talking about.
OP: i didn't go anywhere near your phone.
TR: You used seven messages to say what you could have said in one.
OP: considering you can barely read i shouldn't be surprised that would upset you.
TR: You're one to fucking talk. Read this: go fuck yourself.
OP: i don't know what that means.
OP: my mom was absent in my early life.
OP: i have a hard time picking up on tone.
TM: hi quin!! hi finns boyfriend!!
OP: hi pirine.
TM: < that sounds like a great idea! its always nicce to get to know people, especcially when we have to work together. >
TR: Don't fucking call me that.
TM: < im sorry!!! i dont know your name, i forgot :( >
TR: Remember then.
TM: < ooooorrr you ccould tell me! just a thought! >
TR: You should take your thoughts outside and shoot them.
OP: shut the fuck up hale.
TM: < this is going great! >
TR: I don't want to fucking be here anyway. Every single one of you makes me want to tear my fucking ears off. Fuck you.
OP: how do i remove him.
OP: i am sick of his shit.
SYSTEM: taciturnRenegade [TR] is offline.
TM: < oh, hes not very pleasant, huh? what does finn see in that guy? >
OP: hasta la veesta you blue raspberry bitch.
OP: i don't know what finn sees in a lot of things.
OP: or how he sees with no brain.
TM: < hey! be nice! >
LB: ok guys lett's alll callm down a sllice
OP: ok. sorry levett.
LB: itt's ok quin i can see you are ttrying
OP: i really am trying.
OP: it's so hard. when people are shitheads then i want to call them that.
OP: there is no justice in this world, levett.
LB: welll i woulldn'tt be ttoo pessimisttic!
LB: tthings willl gett bettter. eventtuallly
LB: :]
CH: i dont know who you guys are but i think you added me to your groupchat by mistake
OP: oh okay. how do i remove him.
SYSTEM: taciturnRenegade [TR] is online.
TR: Cole what the fuck are you doing.
CH: what do you mean what am i doing
CH: do we know each other?
OP: well he's finally lost it.
CH: i dont get it
CH: DO we know each other?
TR: Of course we fucking know each other. What the hell are you talking about.
LB: cole did you hitt your head?
CH: no?
GI: what the fuck
CH: i dont know if this is some roleplay joke im not in on but i dont know you people
LB: hey guys is anyone ellse seeing ttwo coles
LB: is my connecttion broken
OP: i think i'm having an episode
OP: why are there two of them
GI: you think YOURE having a fucking episode?
CH: right i think im intruding on something
GI: you better not be leaving
TR: There's not even any gases here. What the fuck is going on.
GI: you are stuck in this shit with me now
TR: Are you normal.
CH: me?
TR: I know you're not normal.
CH: im normal i dont know what the fucks the problem with you guys
GI: ok. listen to me
TR: No. Fuck off.
GI: my name is cole neuerr and i have a horrible headache right now and you are making it worse
OP: no shit he's not normal you fucking rhino.
CH: great joke man
CH: i know i have my full name on display right here but this isnt even like funny
GI: what the fuck about this is not clicking.
CH: and take some ibuprofen with that
OP: what is that drug
OP: like cocaine?
LB: maybe ttheres justt anotther guy witth tthe same name
CH: painkillers
GI: no im gonna need something stronger
GI: like a hammer
CH: well dont hurt yourself too much theres no need for that
GI: personally. might just be me here. i see every need for it
CH: why??
CH: okay can someone explain to me what the hell is happening here
TR: You are a fucking asshole.
CH: okay now what did i do
OP: i don't think they're the same guy. he has harvey in his name.
TR: Shut the fuck up, Quin. I don't care. You're a fucking asshole. I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but pretending we don't fucking KNOW each other is an asshole fucking move.
CH: i really am sorry but i genuinely dont know you
GI: i am. right here
RC: What the actual fuck is going on in here.
OP: i don't even want to a hear a word come out of your mouth, hale. i don't know what's clicking. he doesn't know who any of us are and has a different name, so i want you to rub your two remaining brain cells together about what kind of possible explanation this would be.
OP: i'll do it for you, actually! eureka! they're different people!
OP: harvey. how old are you?
CH: whys that important?
CH: 36
OP: wow, would you look at that.
TR: I'm not fucking doing this.
CH: listen if my presence is causing you people have such a meltdown maybe i should leave, would everyone be happy then?
CH: christ
RC: Wait what the fuck.
CH: what now
RC: You're not fucking 36.
CH: yes i am?
RC: No.
CH: im not arguing about my fucking age
GI: big agree with maia here. no
OP: they're. not. the. same. person.
RC: Why the fuck is there two of you. Wait.
CH: theres only one me
CH: why am i even arguing about this. this is stupid
GI: oh my god did i get cloned
CH: well obviously we cant be the same person because. well i am me
CH: i dont know how to explain this to you man
GI: you dont need to explain shit
GI: i can tell you clearly have no fuckin idea whats going on either
CH: obviously
RC: Wait when the fuck did you get cloned. What.
GI: i seriously do not know
CH: clonings not even a thing you people are crazy
CH: listen i dont wanna be a part of this joke
GI: why fucking not
RC: You can't fucking lie and say cloning isn't a thing when you're right fucking here. Why are you 36.
LB: clloning is definittelly a tthing i justt wantted tto pointt tthatt outt for tthe greatt and llovelly peoplle here who may or may nott incllude ttwo coles
CH: well you see im 36 years old because it happens to be the amount of time i was alive
GI: see im 16 so that doesnt make any sense
GI: unless im a clone of you i guess
CH: oh good fucking god ive been arguing with children
GI: hey you watch your whore mouth
CH: dont you have a shakespeare reading to do
OP: i'm fifty years old, asshole.
CH: YOU watch your mouth
RC: No you fucking aren't Quin. What the fuck.
OP: why would you tell him that maia
RC: Because you're not fucking 50. Unless you're a fucking clone too.
OP: i am not. and do not have anything to do with laboritories either for the matter. my mother gave birth to one child. normal child. who is me.
OP: let's keep talking about this guy. okay?
GI: do i need to remind you that i have your blood on file
OP: that's great cole. you get to see how my normal blood is type c.
OP: seriously. this guy. clone guy. back to him.
RC: Your blood can't be a fucking type. It's a color.
CH: if youre calling me a clone i definitely am not
OP: oh my god maia shut the fuck up go talk to your weird not-brother
OP: do not ruin this for me
GI: well it actually has a type and a color wh Man shut the fuck up
RC: Well I'm not a clone. And I'm not 36. So I don't fucking know what to tell you.
CH: can i ask something?
CH: are all of you 16?
OP: no.
OP: stop asking us questions.
GI: why would a group chat full of people all be the exact same age. isnt that so statistically unlikely old cole neuerr
GI: i bet you love statistics. i bet you make spreadsheets for fun because you suck
CH: okay first of all im not old
CH: second of all thats just mean
RC: Yeah. What Cole said.
RC: The normal one.
CH: and also, well if not all of you are 16, around same age i assumed?
ZZ: im zeven yearz old actually
CH: what am i even doing here
ZZ: making a fool out of yourzelf i azzume
ZZ: danzing around like a zilly little jezter
OP: navy can you read this guy's mind and tell us what is going on.
ZZ: yeah zure hold on
ZZ: hmm
ZZ: hmmmmm
ZZ: hmmmmmmmmm
OP: hurry up.
ZZ: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ZZ: dont ruzh me quin thiz iz a delicate prozezz
OP: i hate you.
ZZ: well ok then i guezz i wont read hiz mind for you
CH: god this is so stupid
OP: i don't hate you navy i just do not know how to express my emotions.
ZZ: zkill izzue
OP: okay i hate you for real.
ZZ: quin i need your help wizh zomezhing
ZZ: quin zhiz iz very important
OP: what.
ZZ: i need you to do zomezhing for me ok
OP: what is it navy. we're kind of in the middle of something here.
OP: will it help yiou figure this out?
ZZ: yez i need zhiz to read oldcolez mind
OP: okay. fine. tell me.
ZZ: i need you to cry
ZZ: and i mean really cry a lot becauze you are zo zad
OP: what??
OP: how the heck is this going to help you read cole's mind??
OP: i'm not sad.
CH: you know if you want to know something you can just ask
ZZ: are you zhe one here wizh mind powerz quin
ZZ: zhut up old cole im talking to zomeone here
OP: shut up oldcole you could be a fucking psyop agent.
OP: i mean. no. i guess not.
OP: i'm not sad. what do i do.
OP: make myself sad?
ZZ: zhink about puppiez being zad or zomezhing i dunno
ZZ: youre zhe zadnezz exzpert not me
OP: i am not a fucking sadness expert! i am a very well adjusted and emotionally good boy!
OP: okay, fine. i'll get sad.
OP: okay i m ceying very hard wht now
ZZ: how did you make yourzelf zad
OP: i thought when i saw someone get decapitated
OP: h whag now
ZZ: keep crying
ZZ: ill get back to zhe mind zcan
OP: ok
SYSTEM: zestyZillionaire [ZZ] is offline.
OP: navy?
OP: when do i know i can stop
CH: since theyre obviously not reading my mind, you could just ask me whatever you want to know
CH: if you want
CH: in the meantime i have food to serve
RC: Are you even real.
CH: ive been trying to establish that fact for the past half hour, yes
RC: Why are you fucking serving food. That's not something real Cole would do.
CH: well i have to eat
GI: i dont like this
CH: the idea of me eating???
GI: the idea of you
RC: Yeah.
CH: well sorry i guess
GI: yeah you better be
GI: sorry
GI: yeah
GI: i mean you better be sorry im not sorry i didnt do anything
RC: I bet I could beat the shit out of you. Not real Cole. The other one.
GI: maia i think i might be the fake cole
RC: No you aren't. That doesn't make any fucking sense.
GI: nothing thats happened has made any sense
CH: your names maia right? radiantCacophony
CH: how old are you?
RC: Why the fuck do you want to know.
RC: See Cole. If he was the real one he'd fucking know this shit.
CH: i think we established that im not the guy youre thinking of
CH: okay lets make this easier. just call me harvey alright
RC: Fine. I could still beat you up.
CH: right
OP: does anyine know where navuy is
OP: shes not answerng my messages
SS: maybe they are just busy...? i'm sure they woould get back too yoou right away if they coould!!
OP: lanval
OP: auhg
SS: hi!! yes that's me, are yoou ookay?
OP: the world is so horrible lanval
OP: why are people so awful
SS: ooh quin. i am soo soorry :(
OP: i dont know when navy wants me to stop crying
CH: i think its safe to assume you can stop now
OP: i'm sorry for everything lanval
OP: shut the fuck up
CH: i dont think thats healthy
OP: you government
OP: fhhhgh
CH: damn
LB: quin you should ttry pictturing a very nice hug
OP: i dont know how this is helping navy
OP: but i cant stop
OP: i need to help everyone know, whats going on with this cole guy
OP: this universe is a wicked place
OP: there is no hope
CH: im right here
CH: who?
CH: i dont work for the government if thats what youre asking
OP: thats what someoe working for the GOVERNMENT WOULD SAY
LB: quin i reallly dontt tthink cole 2 works for tthe governmentt
TR: He's not an imposter.
LB: i tthink he justt gott a bitt llostt
CH: you dont need to number me, like i said you can just call me harvey
CH: and yeah thats about right
LB: itt doesntt feell rightt nott tto calll you by your name cole
CH: okay thats fair
CH: i appreciate that
LB: if you dontt llike tthe numbering of course i can sttop i can allso do mr. cole or mr. harvey-neuerr
LB: i heard tthatt humans do tthis kinda tthing ttowards ollder humans
CH: oh no need for the mr title thats alright
CH: what do you mean
LB: tthey calll ollder humans mr or mrs? especiallly if tthatt person is a tteacher but nott if tthey are docttors
LB: of course tthere is allso ms or mx
CH: are you saying youre not human?
LB: oh shitt
LB: no tthatts justt tthe way i speak
LB: ok who am i kidding you’re in deep here cole. some of us are alliens but don’tt freak outt ok
LB: welll acttually tto me you are tthe allien
LB: but tthatts nott reallly rellevantt
CH: jesus okay
CH: is that why you all type weird?
LB: tthatts prettty rude cole ok itt is nott weird
LB: i did nott peg you for a xenophobe
CH: sorry i didnt mean it like that
CH: just kind of unusual
LB: tthe mostt unusuall tthing is your existtence here and you are caughtt up on alliens
CH: well its my first time encountering them, sorry if im a little freaked out
LB: ok dontt apollogise cole tthis is justt an adjusttmentt for alll of us
LB: itt has been a long ttime since somebody was surprised by alliens here
LB: a very llong ttime
CH: how long exactly?
LB: cole i dontt reallly know a llott of tthings have happened recenttlly
OP: for the love of god where is navy
SYSTEM: omittedPerjurer [OP] is offline.