TR: What's in it.
CH: the house or the kitchen?
TR: Yes.
CH: well the kitchen doesnt have anything special in it. counters cabinets oven dishwasher et cetera
fridge. and all that
CH: house has more stuff, obviously. i also have a greenhouse outside
theres the bedroom, living room, dining room, you know, normal rooms
spare room too. ive been thinking of maybe turning it into an office or something. office slash library
CH: ive lived here for maybe three years but i still havent properly unpacked all of my things
CH: lots of books here. dvds, cassettes, records, a lot of shit ive collected. its all mostly in boxes in the storage room though
CH: i live alone
CH: well i have pets. ferrets
CH: georgie and david
CH: sorry this probably isnt very interesting. i dont really do much of anything except work and keep some hobbies
TR: I don't know what the fuck most of that means.
TR: I lived in a hole.
CH: oh
TR: There was scrap metal on top.
CH: have you ever been in any house? at all?
TR: One. It wasn't real. Tried to kill me.
CH: right i see
TR: Why is there a normal house and a green house.
CH: oh a greenhouse is a building for growing plants
CH: usually made mostly out of glass
TR: That sounds stupid.
TR: Why is it green.
TR: Does it have to be green.
CH: i think its called a greenhouse because the plants are usually green
CH: and i guess the building itself doesnt have to be any specific color. since its mostly glass anyways
TR: So you're a normal person. Now.
CH: i guess so
CH: depends on your definition of normal
TR: School. Work. House. Family.
TR: What the fuck do normal people do.
CH: a lot. many things to do here i guess
CH: thats kind of a broad question
TR: It doesn't matter. Never mind.