TR: Did you go to school.
CH: yeah i did
CH: dont remember much of it since i only remember the last two years but i did
CH: and university if that counts, but i do remember most of that
TR: Why.

CH: why dont i remember it or why did i go to school?
TR: Why did you go to school.
TR: It sounds like a living hell.

CH: its just kind of required
CH: besides i happened to forget what presumably was the worst of it
CH: so it wasnt really that bad
TR: You are locked in a box for half of the day and trapped with enemies.

CH: well i wouldnt call my classmates enemies
TR: ...

CH: some of them were unpleasant and some straight up jerks but i didnt really make any enemies during my two years there
TR: Everybody wants to be my enemy.

CH: what? why?
CH: arent you 16?
TR: Yes.
TR: If you didn't understand from the cannibals. Everyone is usually trying to kill each other all the time.
TR: Kids are good bait.

CH: man what the hell
TR: I'm too tall for that now. I think.
TR: If they don't die, you can recruit them. Because they're strong enough.
TR: That's why I fucking lived alone.

CH: ill be honest i dont know what to say to that
CH: well im glad you lived alone at least
TR: Yeah. It's gone now.
TR: That's not the point.
TR: What do you do.

CH: research in diseases, if you mean for work. much more paperwork there than youd think
CH: if you mean outside of work, then i dont know. i play music. gardening
TR: You grow plants.
TR: Music. How. What.

CH: plants, yeah i do. also what do you mean what?
CH: i play music like with an instrument
CH: you know? guitar and stuff like that
CH: i play piano too, but im not really good at it
TR: I had a song.

CH: what do you mean you had a song?
TR: Half of one.
TR: Found it.
TR: Fixed it.
TR: It broke.

CH: are you talking about a disc? like a music disc?
TR: No. It was a box. It had something else stuck in it. Speakers. It was broken. Fucked up. I didn't know what the fuck it was talking about. But it was there. It was mine.

CH: maybe a radio? or just a music player
CH: and the talking is just singing im assuming
TR: I know what singing is. But she wasn't speaking a language I knew. So I don't know what she was talking about.
TR: It was too old for me to do anything with. So I threw it back out.

CH: i see
CH: why didnt you keep it? i know it was old but people keep old things all the time
CH: did you not have any music there before?
TR: Everything was junk. The only things I needed to keep were the things I could use to build other things. Like weapons. Or a weird round thing that spins forever.
TR: I threw that out too.

CH: round thing?
CH: is that also related to music? or was it something else
TR: Yeah. I made it.
TR: No. No music.
TR: There wasn't music there. Except for the weird singing from the south. But that shit was fucking creepy. So I didn't fucking go there. Especially not when there was singing.

CH: can you describe that round thing to me?
TR: I took a tiny motor and connected it to a ball. Then I took a balance mechanism from some fucked machine that was gutted a few minutes away. Downsized. Welded on the biggest, thinnest gear I could find. The thing only works with perfect radial symmetry. Anything off means it'll fall over. Ball keeps it regulated internally. Put together a little cage and a tip. Motor. Switch. Put it on the ground it spins forever. It was completely fucking useless and I spent three days on it.

CH: right i see
TR: Do you.
TR: I don't think you see. You only say that when you don't know what the fuck is going on.

CH: i say it mostly to acknowledge that i see what youre saying, to be honest
TR: What does that mean.

CH: i say "i see" to let you know i didnt just leave in the middle of the conversation when i dont really know what to add
TR: I don't know how to talk to people.

CH: thats alright
CH: this is a bit off topic but. you dont know what a guitar is then?
TR: No.

CH: would you like to hear it? its fine if you dont, i dont know if you even like music
TR: Yes.

CH: sorry, this is all i had on my phone
CH: [more_open_f_ideas.mp3]
CH: [chords_that_sound_nice.mp3]
CH: its old recordings of me messing around with certain chords and tunings that sound nice, so its not even proper songs or even music really
CH: if i find any actual song files on my phone, i could send something to you
CH: if you want of course
TR: You made this.
TR: Both of them. By yourself.

CH: with a guitar, yeah
TR: And you just did it.

CH: yeah?
CH: well i had to learn to do it, but yeah i did
TR: Oh.

CH: but its easier to learn than piano, ill say that much
TR: How many. People can do that.
TR: Make songs.
TR: Do I have to die again.

CH: no no you really dont
CH: i mean. a lot can do that. anyone can pick up an instrument and learn to play
TR: What
TR: ?

CH: i dont think its even possible to count how many people here made songs, its just the kind of thing people were doing forever
CH: theres a really wide range of things you can do
CH: musically i mean
TR: So if I walked up to a guitar I could do that.

CH: it would take some time to figure out how to, but yeah you could
TR: Fuck.

CH: you said youre on a spaceship, right? if you could find some things i think you could even make your own guitar
CH: people have been making them out of boxes and stuff like that
CH: and you seem really crafty, if thats the correct word for this. you could manage it just fine
TR: I would make it explode.
TR: Things that I make like to explode.
TR: I don't want to kill a guitar.

CH: i dont see how a box and some string would explode, i think youd do fine
TR: Ok. I'll try.

CH: besides, you can always fix it when it breaks. guitar strings snap all the time, sometimes they break worse. its manageable
CH: if you need help or anything, i could find some schematics or something for you
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