CH: something i recorded today
CH: [very_short_cover_of_memory_by_alex_g.m4a]
CH: playing an actual song this time. its pretty short but i hope you enjoy it anyways
TR: This is different.
CH: yeah, im not improvising this time
CH: someone else wrote this
TR: It's not bad.
TR: I like when it blends.
CH: blends?
TR: Yeah.
CH: if youre talking about the strumming it sounds like that because im strumming with my thumb
CH: sounds much softer like that
CH: i dont know why im telling you this
CH: its not really interesting
TR: I want to know.
TR: I missed everything.
CH: what do you mean?
CH: im sure you didnt completely miss everything
TR: Guitars are normal, right.
CH: but ill tell you anything you want to know. well, what i can tell you at least
CH: yeah they are
TR: Then I want to know.
TR: Unless I don't.
TR: But I do this time.
TR: Probably most of the time.
H: i see
CH: ill keep that in mind
CH: also, im glad
CH: that you want to know, i mean
TR: Good. I think.