TR: How big are dogs.
CH: different sizes. ranges anywhere from a big rat to i dont know maybe a really small horse
CH: dont get taller than people though
TR: How small is a small horse.
TR: Ok.
TR: So dogs taller than people aren't fucking normal.

CH: oh definitely not

CH: okay, well, it depends on the place i think. its not normal for me but maybe theres more of those there
CH: i genuinely dont know actually why would i say that
CH: is that the only giant dog there?
TR: It's not normal.
TR: No. It has a family.

CH: like more giant dogs?
TR: Yes. A family of giant dogs.
CH: is it like a very weird breed of dogs
TR: They all hate me and want me to die.
CH: what? im really sorry
CH: did they hurt you in some way
TR: No. Well. One time almost. But the rest no.
CH: almost?
TR: Well I was unconscious for a lot of it. But I think I fell out of the sky. And then I tried to attack Finn. So she tried to attack me. But Finn told her to stop. So she stopped.
TR: I didn't know him yet. But I told him his dog is fucking insane and huge. He doesn't think so.

CH: okay well i definitely agree that is an abnormal size for a dog but also i dont think the dog hates you at all
CH: just protecting finn
TR: I didn't tell you how big it was.
TR: One and a half of me.
TR: Tall. But probably two long.

CH: well a dog taller than a human being is pretty abnormal unless youre really really small
CH: how tall are you?
TR: Uhh.
TR: Same as my Cole. The Cole over here.
TR: The other one.

CH: okay i think i can imagine then
TR: She definitely hates me. You haven't seen her eyes.
CH: i cant imagine a dog could have a very hateful stare
CH: you could just not like dogs
CH: thats not really unusual
TR: No. Dogs are fine.
TR: I like dogs.

CH: i thought you didnt?
CH: i see then
TR: Some of them.
TR: Some of them hate me.

CH: youd probably like the dogs here
CH: most of them dont tend to be aggressive here
CH: at least as far as ive encountered them
CH: i think i should get a dog
CH: wait, ive told you think already
CH: well. i said that someone else thought i should. ive been considering it
TR: Just make sure it isn't one and a half of me tall.
CH: i dont think i could find a dog here like that even if i tried
CH: did you know theres a cartoon here about a big dog like that here
CH: and its also red
TR: That sounds awful.
CH: its not really
CH: i didnt watch it myself but its nice i think
CH: the dog also looks like its nice
CH: sorry i might be weird right now im not really sober. but the dog seems friendly
CH: and the girl that has him likes him so i guess theres reasons for that
TR: What did you do.
CH: what do you mean?
CH: didnt really do much of anything
TR: Did you walk into gas.
CH: no?
CH: i dont have any gas leaks if thats what youre asking
TR: Ok. Are you ok.
CH: yeah im fine
TR: Ok.
CH: just kind of tipsy
TR: That makes sense.
CH: why would that make sense
TR: It just does.
CH: right
CH: do you know what that means?
TR: No.
CH: it just means ive been drinking
TR: Drinking what.
TR: I know water. Just so you know.

CH: thats good
CH: but whiskey mostly
CH: though i should know by now that i should be more specific with things so ill specify ive been drinking alcohol. and whiskey is a kind of alcohol
TR: Right.
TR: I didn't.
TR: Oh. I did.
TR: Don't worry about it.

CH: didnt what?
CH: or did
TR: I was going to say I didn't know you could drink that.
TR: But I did. I just forgot.

CH: oh right
CH: well ive been drinking that. and ill probably be pretty upset with myself tomorrow morning
TR: Why.
CH: but at this moment i really dont care so. i really dont know why im telling you this
CH: because ill be hungover
CH: which means ill feel sick and my head will hurt. amongst other things
CH: this doesnt really matter but i guess its just kind of a warning for you not to drink that stuff
TR: I know.